Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Found the Perfect Box!!!

Isn't it amazing what nice things we can find in the grocery stores now. And what a bonus with stores like Meijers...not only do groceries...but bunches of other items too. I found the perfect box to package Michelle's shawl! She loves birds and hummingbirds are one of her favorites! So I see this round box with the same colors that are in her shawl! I put it in the cart then back out, in and out..it was $10..I really wanted to next size down..but eventally someone did too and all they had left was the large and tiny sizes. Well I put it back thinking that I did not want to pay that much for it...so then I get to the checkout...now the conversation going on in my head was so funny....I was scolding myself..you know you should get that box...how many times have you not gotten something and regretted it later....you know when you get home you are going to come right back and get it..(oh come-on you do this too. LOL....So I had the check-out person hold everything and ran back and got it...I sure am glad I did..I might of beaten myself up when I got home without it. (My hubby sure does like you all...I can just ramble on and on...)
Not only did I find the big box...I found this cute little box also! I have a necklace from my mom that I want to give to her. I am pondering doing up something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue also....do you know that the rest of it goes..and a sixpence for her shoe..
Okay time to get busy before the kids get here,
Still on the Potter's Wheel,
Hugs, Dusty


cre8tivkj said...

The box is perfect! Very, very beautiful. Trust your instincts.


jhjk said...

Great find!! Yes I do that too. Glad you ran back and got it. Looks perfect. :-)
Love your blog design.


Dusty said...

Thanks, I am so glad I went back and got it.. Hugs, Dusty

Anonymous said...

Your gift will be so well presented in those boxes. Lovely choices.

Dusty said...

Thanks Ghost Stitcher, I love to find just the special touches.

Hugs, Dusty