Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Sorrow and Joy

On June 18th we had to put down our beloved Dog, Dusty. It has been a hard ajustment. He was such a good dog. He was 12 and became very sick. It has been over a month now since his passing.

I have been missing his companionship so much, Mike is outta town allot and away allot of nights. Dusty was great company. So, I thought hmmmmmmm, maybe a guinea piglet. So for the past few weeks I have been studying up on the care and feeding of them. Surprisingly they are very social creatures. I joined a Guinea Pig Soiety and they are very helpful. I already told most of you that my Daughter and Son brought me the works for my pig, cage, food, and 2 piggies. Little Bit and Timothy. They are settling in and I will take pictures next week. How great it is to have a pet in the house again. Makaila got all excited when she saw they had leashes for them, I have to quiet her down and let her know that no honey you know take them for walks, it is for when they are outside in the grass. I told her that Timothy could be her guinea pig and she was thrilled. Going to teach her about caring for him. Well gotta get my day going. Updates will be coming soon.
Hugs Dusty